The activities of Sociedad Técnica de Inspeccción S. A. (S.T.I.), began in 1964, at which time a group of engineers of the National Petroleum Company (ENAP), organized to provide inspection and quality control services. Over the course of time, S.T.I. has consolidated as a leader in the area of non-destructive inspection tests, leading to the certification of products, fuel storage and transport systems, which are regulated by the Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC).
The implementation of the Quality Management and Assurance System of S.T.I. which is applied for most of the services, plus the accreditation of the INN as Inspection Body and Certification Body, allows to give the necessary confidence in each work performed. The permanent development of solutions for the market by S.T.I. has allowed in the last time to expand the field of its activities to the area of Management in the Activation and Control of manufacturing of industrial projects.