STI S.A. is an accredited body for the inspection of tank integrity for storage and transportation of hazardous substances. The substances included in decree 43/2016 are those defined in Chilean standard NCh 382/2017 corresponding to Class 1 hazardous substances, Class 2 Gases, Class 3 flammable liquids, Class 4 flammable solids, Class 5 oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, Class 6 toxic substances and infectious substances, Class 7 radioactive substances, Class 8 corrosive substances (bases, acids) and Class 9 dangerous substances and articles. The evaluation is performed according to that established by the design standard of each tank.
Los tanques para transporte de sustancias peligrosas deben ser certificados en función a su norma de diseño y re inspeccionados periódicamente según lo establecido por el ministerio de transporte en su decreto 289.